TheLastRipper can save streams to mp3's, while downloading album cover, appending ID3v2 tags and organizing you music after Artist/Album/Track. TheLastRipper will also help you generate playlists from the data available from you account.
Recording streams to mp3's
Organize your music in directories: Artist/Album/Track/
Downloads coverart
Generates playlist in M3U, SMIL, PLS
Now appends ID3v2 tags
Improved clipping of songs
International characters
Support for http proxies
General exception handling dialog
New - MP3Tunes integration, automatically backup tracks at mp3tunes.
TheLastRipper requires a login, if you do not have an account, you can register for free at Last.Fm

Please be aware that recordings of radio streams, may NOT be legal, we recommend that you investegate your local laws, before using TheLastRipper.