TheLastRipper 0.2.1 for Mac OS X and 1.0.2 for Linux
It’s been a while since release 1.0.0, well short while at least. About a weeks ago we released a bugfix version 1.0.1 (Mac version 0.2), this was a rather big bugfix. Before 1.0.1 there was a lot of theading issues, that made the program practically broken on dual core Windows systems. We’ve fixed most of these issues, and now both the Windows and Linux versions have become more stable. The issues fixed in version 1.0.1 was those listed on our known issues pages.
Well, today we’ve released a Linux version 1.0.2 and a Mac version 0.2.1, those are not very critical. Well the Mac release might be, since we discovered that the Mac version 0.2 didn’t start when the application was launched. It seams there was a typo in the packaging process, we fixed the typo and we’ve released Mac version 0.2.1. Which should be running now, requiring X11 and Mono. The problem with the Linux version was that the menu entry for playlist generation was dead, we’ve fixed, and the Linux version should now be capable of generating playlists. That’s the story behind the latest bugfixes, the Windows version 1.0.1 is still good.

These new versions can be downloaded at the download site

TheLastRipper now in 1.0.1 and 0.2.0 beta.
We have been working hard to fix some of the worst bugs in 1.0.0, and we are now ready to release 1.0.1 for the Windows and Linux platform. The Mac OS X version is now available in version 0.2.0 and is currently a beta.

The new versions can be downloaded at the download page

The OS X version still needs X11 and mono to run, but we hope to make a native app for OS X as well.

Although we have been working hard, is it still possible to find bugs and should you be the one to find some, then please look at the known issues site or contact us.

TheLastRipper release 1.0.0
The last week I’ve been working a lot on TheLastRipper, an audo stream ripper for first I got the project hosted at google code. Later I ported the code to Windows using Windows.Forms. And as of yesterday the code was finally stable enough to be released. There’s still some inexplainable issues, which I’ll post later on the known issues page of each platform. The releases can be found at the project page:

I’m still not done with the OS X client, hopefully I’ll manage to get an .app ready. Either using Windows.Forms or
Cocoa#. I’ve had some success using Windows.Forms under X11, but the macpack utils won’t pack it correctly. Porting to Cocoa is kind of on hold currently, since none of the cocoa samples found can be compiled and no documentation of the C# bindings is available.

Personally I’m pretty proved of the artwork, not because I want to take all the credit for it. The rest of
TheLastRipper developer team, have done a lot here. They are also the guys I’m doing the school project with, they’re not much into programming, but they do know a thing or two about artwork. Well all the artwork was done in Inkscape 0.45, the new blur effect is just a little too nice. Some clipart has been “stolen” from public domain ressources at Wikipedia or